Brush Cap Bottles for Touch Up

Introduction to Brush Cap Bottles
Brush cap bottles provide a convenient way to apply touch-up paint directly to small chips and scratches. They are especially useful for application areas no larger than a dime.

Before You Begin
Ensure you have reviewed the General Application Instructions for safety, cleaning, and preparation tips. Make sure the area is clean and well-prepared before starting your touch-up work.

Activating and Using the Brush Cap Bottle

  • Initial Activation:
    Dip the brush lightly into the paint, ensuring not to overload it, which could lead to drips and uneven application.
  • Applying the Basecoat:
    Use the built-in brush to apply very thin coats of the basecoat. Allow each coat to dry to the touch before adding the next layer.
  • Smoothing the Basecoat:
    It’s very difficult to smoothly apply automotive paint with a brush as the paint ends up drying very quickly. It’s easy to get dried blobs of paint. Put a few coats on and then you may wish to wetsand with 600 grit to smooth the basecoat. Keep applying the basecoat in layers and smoothing each layer before applying the next layer of paint.
  • Applying the Clearcoat:
    Once the basecoat is completely dry, carefully apply the clearcoat. This layer should be floated over the basecoat gently to avoid dissolving it. Clearcoat is sensitive to pressure and can react like a solvent, so a light touch is critical.
  • Curing and Drying:
    Allow the clearcoat sufficient time to dry, typically for at least three days under ideal conditions (around 70°F). Adjust the curing time based on the ambient temperature, with longer times needed in cooler weather.
  • Finishing Touches:
    After the clearcoat has fully cured, apply a rubbing compound (cutting creme) to make the clearcoat shine. This compound should be applied with a clean, soft cotton cloth such as an old clean T-shirt. Always test the rubbing compound (cutting creme) on your vehicle in an inconspicuous place to check for surface compatibility and shine.
    You can also wetsand the clearcoat smooth before applying the rubbing compound.

Additional Tips

  • Temperature Considerations:
    Ensure the temperature is suitable for paint application, ideally around 70°F. The paint can dry quickly in warmer weather.
  • Primer Usage:
    If working on an unpainted surface, apply a primer first to ensure proper adhesion of the basecoat. Do not use enamel primer as it may not be compatible with our paints.

Storing Your Brush Cap Bottle

Store the paint in a cool dry place. If left in the vehicle, it will become hot and the paint will harden.

Post-Application Care

  • Refer back to our General Application Instructions for final care tips, including when it is safe to wash and wax the repaired area.