Drying Times for Touch Up Paint

  • Basecoat and Clearcoat Application:
    • Allow the basecoat to dry thoroughly before applying the clearcoat. This prevents the clearcoat, which acts like a solvent, from dissolving the still-wet basecoat. This only applies if you are brushing or using the paint pen. Spraying the paint does not have this issue.
    • Apply the clearcoat gently without exerting pressure to avoid removing the basecoat. This only applies if you are brushing or using the paint pen.
  • Drying Duration:
    • Drying times for the paint can vary. A minimum of 20 minutes is necessary, but letting the paint dry overnight can provide the best results. One easy way to tell is if you press on it, it should be firm and not leave a finger print. One idea is to paint a tin can at the same time so you can press on it to see if it is dry.
  • Temperature Effects:
    • Ambient temperature plays a critical role in drying times. Paint drying is optimal at temperatures above 70°F. At temperatures below 70°F, paint may take significantly longer to dry, affecting subsequent applications.